What Is a Flux Mindset?

A Flux Mindset sees change consistently as an opportunity, not a threat, by being clear and grounded in your values.


Flux is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, its most common contemporary definition is “continuous change.” As a verb, to flux means “to cause or learn to become fluid.” Hence we’re living in a world of flux (noun) and we’d do well not merely to flex our mental muscles, but to flux (verb) them, too.


We’re in a world of change that’s accelerating…

You’re hearing this all the time already, and I have a hunch you may feel overloaded — even sick of — a 24/7 barrage of chaotic, complex and even catastrophic news.

Rather than join a deafening choir, I’d like to offer you a positive way out of this overload — and into a new way of seeing, being, and living.

A Flux Mindset is a bento box filled with great ideas: a curated collection of disciplines which, taken together, provide the nourishment to thrive amid whatever changes come your way.

A Flux Mindset isn’t about personal branding or how to build your influencer network.

It’s not about strategy consulting or reinventing yourself. It’s not about atomic habits or optimization of every minute of your life, nor is it about grinding it out or constantly striving for ‘more.’ These things aren’t even on the radar of a Flux Mindset.

A Flux Mindset is about unsticking your mind from the constructs and assumptions that you hold unconsciously.

You take them for granted, yet they’re destroying your soul as well as your potential. A Flux Mindset is about slowing down so you see what’s really happening. It’s about being in healthier relationships — including your relationships with anxiety, control and trust — and holding the future gently. It is about flipping your perspective, re-evaluating how you see and, in turn, how you show up in the world. It’s also about creatively living the best life you possibly can.

A Flux Mindset means you understand that change is an ally and can harness it gracefully.

With a Flux Mindset, you’re able to surf the waves of constant fluctuation with presence and equanimity. A Flux Mindset is your compass for change, your barometer for being, your telescope to see and show up fully in a world in flux.

Know how
to flux in a world in flux.

Join the Flux Mindset eXplorers Club (FMXC) for more fluxy ideas and inspiration.